Featured Student
Age 10, Pastel
Owen Holtzman
I have been going to Drawn2Art for 9 yrs. I started when I was 7 years old and am currently almost 16 yrs old. I have continued at Drawn2Art for so long because I love the teachers, the environment, and how the teachers are open to my ideas and interests. What do I like most about art? I like that I can create what I want and with practice, I can become really good at it. My other passions include rapping, basketball, gaming, traveling, fashion and I am a sneakerhead. I also was a studio summer camp aide at Drawn2Art, which I really enjoyed.
Age 14, Colored Pencil
Featured Student's Artwork
Age 8, Pastel
Age 9, Pastel
Age 10, Pastel
Age 11, Colored Pencil
Age 12, Charcoal
Age 12, Pastel & Colored Pencil
Age 13, Pastel
Age 13, Acrylic
Age 13, Colored Pencil
Age 13, Pastel & Colored Pencil
Age 13, Colored Pencil
Age 14, Chalk Pastel
Age 15, Colored Pencil
Age 15, Marker