Featured Student
Motif Award Winner, Age 10
Josiah Yu
I have been going to Drawn2Art for 10 yrs. I started when I was 5 years old and am currently 15 yrs old. I find that going to Drawn2Art is refreshing to be able to step away from school and just draw. It gives me a break from the complexities of life. What do I like most about art? It is fun to create something new. I love the whole creative process, learning new mediums and working with amazing teachers. Other than my passion for art, I also play volleyball. I am very proud of my skill level and where I come as an artist. As for my future plans, I am thinking about getting into engineering, or maybe even animation. Designing things sounds cool. So architecture could be a possibility too!
Oil, Age 14
Featured Student's Artwork
Age 6, Colored Pencil
Age 6, Oil Pastel
Age 7. Watercolor
Age 8. Pastel
Age 10. Acrylic
Age 11, Pastel
Age 11, Watercolor
Age 12, Pastel & Colored Pencil.
Age 13, Graphite
Age 14, Pastel
Age 14, Oil Paint
Age 14, Pastel
Age 15, Oil Paint