Cell Phone, Meal Waiver, and Time off Policies

Cell Phone Policy

Since it is of the utmost importance for all staff to be giving their full and undivided attention to our families and students, it is important for us to have very precise rules about the use of cell phones and computers during studio and office hours.

  1. No cell phones should be used (except in an actual emergency situation) during office and studio work time. This also applies to checking personal emails on the computer or doing non-work related searches on a cell phone or computer. Phones shall be kept in an area designated by the studio Director or Manager and may be retrieved during rest and meal breaks only.

  2. Per Drawn2Art Policy students are not allowed to use cell phones during class, except for emergency situations. Students with cell phones need to put them on silent mode before class starts. If the student takes out the phone to check messages during class, the teacher may confiscate the phone and return it to the student after class. Exceptions to this: teens and special needs students who work better listening to music. Those students may use only one ear bud to listen to music with the studio Director’s or Manager's permission.

  3. Repeated staff violations of these policies will result in a meeting with a Manager and/or Director, with a report placed in the staff member's file.

Employee Meal Waiver

  1. As an employee of Drawn2Art, I do hereby waive my right to a thirty (30) minute meal period during my employment with Drawn2Art. I realize that per law, as a non-exempt (hourly) employee I have the right to take a thirty (30) minute meal break, during which time, my Employer may not expect me to work. I also understand that even after signing this waiver, I will have the legal right to take a thirty (30) minute meal break if I work more than five (5) hours* on any work day of my choosing.

  2. I am aware that per labor laws, non-exempt employees must be provided ten (10) minutes of paid rest time for every four (4) hours worked. I also understand that the Employer is obligated to pay for rest breaks, even if I waive my right to take them. Even after signing this waiver, I understand that I will have the legal right to take a ten (10) minute rest period for every four (4) hours I work on any workday I choose.

*Wage Orders specify non-exempt employees must be provided ten (10) minutes of paid rest time for every four (4) hours worked unless the employee's total work time is less than three (3) and a half hours. Labor Code Section 512 requires that a meal period of at least thirty (30) minutes be provided for employees who work more than five (5) hours, unless they work no more than six (6) hours and the employee and employer mutually agree to waive the meal period. The meal period generally must be taken before the end of the fifth hour of work.

Vacation/Personal Time Off Policy Policy

Drawn2Art's vacation/personal time off policies apply to all employees that are given paid vacation hours per their Employment Agreements.


    1. Prior to any time off plans being made, employee must first get permission to take the time off by sending a written request via email.  If approved, the Director/Manager will provide employee with a list of available teachers for the employee to contact.

    2. Once approved by Director/Manager, employee must find coverage.

    3.  After coverage has been found and confirmed with the Director/Manager, then and only then, shall employees finalize their time off plans.  The employee must put the request in When I Work to be approved by Director/Manager.  When I Work will only permit requests no less than 14 days prior to the day requested off.


    1. If an employee continues employment with Drawn2Art after the employee's current Employment Agreement's term is completed, any unused vacation hours will accrue (roll over) as part of the new Employment Agreement signed by employee.

    2. If an employee separates from employment with Drawn2Art, any unused vacation hours will be paid by the Employer to the employee.

    3. Accrued vacation hours will not lessen a new Employment Agreement's regular vacation hours.

    4. Accrued vacation hours rolled over from one term of an Employment Agreement to another will be capped at a maximum of eighty (80) hours. Any accrued hours over eighty (80) hours will be forfeited.

For example: An employee signs a second Employment Agreement. The employee has eighty (80) accrued vacation hours from the first year Agreement (vacation hours that were not used. Then the employee receives eighty (80) more vacation hours as part of the second year Agreement. That gives the employee a total of 160 hours of vacation time in the second year. The employee must use a minimum of eighty (80) of those hours in the second year or they are forfeited. An employee may not "bank" more than eighty (80) accrued hours from year to year.

For the safety of our staff and students, and for training purposes, Drawn2Art studios are equipped with cameras and are filming 24 hours per day.